The start of awareness

08:29 0 Comments A+ a-

Before I launch into my recent explorations, I thought it might be helpful to talk a little about where my interest in psychic abilities started and what I have experienced up to this point. 

Many of what I would call ‘experiences’ have been natural everyday occurrences that we are all going to experience from time-to-time and are easy to explain away if you are a non-believe, but it was really only when I started to open up to others and did a little reading for myself, that I realised that these occurrences can be everyday manifestations of psychic abilities and experiences. 

One of the first things that I read was that interest and curiosity in the subject was already a sign, and of course that makes total sense - having more awareness and being open to something is most certainly going to offer a better chance to increase and develop abilities. 

Getting down to specifics, one of the earliest signs for me was the vivid dreams I experience. I can't say I have ever had a dream come true because I haven’t, however I often experience extremely vivid dreams - ones with lots of detail, ones that have made me feel emotionally wrung-out and several that have left me feeling physically exhausted. I've never paid much attention to them overall but I am starting to look for the messages in these dreams and plan to start keeping a dream diary.

The most prominent of these are what I call the 'dead grandparent' dreams. Nice name huh? These dreams first started when I was about 12/13 and have continued throughout my adult life, happening maybe once a year or so. In these dreams, I know my grandparent is dead, they know they are dead but we are communicating, and it’s not scary, it’s comforting. I’ve seen my grandmother young, and I’ve seen her as she was before she died, but healthier and glowing. This was probably the first thing that sparked my curiosity. Was there something more to these dreams? 

I hear voices. Okay, quickly, before the men in white coats arrive…I do hear voices every now again but they’re not telling me to do anything in particular and I can’t even really make out what they say sometimes or remember much about it after the event but I have heard voices and generally always in a particular accent.

I get the tingles - obviously this could be a sign of something health-related but in my case, if it is, it's been going on a long time. I get tingles, mainly around my head and face. I've seen this described as our bodying serving as an 'intuitive antenna’ giving us signals when we are on the right path. I’m going to start paying more attention to these when they happen.

And then there’s other little things like the deja vu - countless experiences of deja vu. The smells that can only be one person, the nail varnish that recently jumped across the room and memorably, the time I was in labour and there was somebody else 'present' in the room. My husband remembers how I was at that moment, refusing to talk because I could see someone out of the corner of my eye, standing at the side of the room…when I think back to that moment, I can still see the shadow. I wasn’t frightened, just aware we were not alone. 

I believe that while I am only exploring my abilities now, they've always lingered there, I just wasn't open to it. As a child I had an imaginary friend who hung around for years. I know many children do, and my parents endured it with humour and patience, however for me it was real - and still is in a way. I vividly remember what she looked like, she was an older lady, with a dog, who sometimes brought her friend with her. Nuts, I know. Would I believe my own child if they said they had an imaginary friend? 

You could quite easily rationalise these experiences, I'm sure a sceptic would do a very good job of it, but what if? 

What if? 

And that's what I intend to try and discover!

The Beginning

06:31 0 Comments A+ a-

Where to begin? I'm not really sure!

Firstly I guess, welcome to my new blog. Let me start by saying, I am not a newbie to blogging, not at all - I've been blogging for over 10 years now but I recently have felt somewhat of a change in myself and with that, I've decided to start a new blog with a completely new direction. The main purpose of which is to document my journey and exploration of spirituality. 

I'm not really sure where this is going to go, all I know that is over the past few years I have felt the need to explore all the possibilities - the feeling that there is something bigger than us.  Without going too deep, I guess in some ways I am looking for the holy grail - the meaning of life. I don't think I'll ever find an answer to that question, all I know is that my 'beliefs' up to this point have been muddled and not necessarily representative of the person I am. I didn't choose my Roman Catholic upbringing, it was decided for me. 

I've always felt curious about psychic development and have a heightened awareness of things occurring around me, so encouraged on by some lovely ladies I have decided it's time to check out any psychic and intuitive abilities that might be lurking inside me!

Of course there will be those that think this is complete poppycock and that's fair enough, but at the very least I hope to learn how to fully relax and more importantly learn to trust my own instincts. Two things I feel I have completely lost sight of over the past few years. If I can achieve that then I will feel I have achieved a goal - anything more than that is a bonus!